# Configuration

Before you can start using heliosRX, you have to configure Firebase and heliosRX. Usually this should be very simple.

Configure Firebase

If you haven't configured firebase yet, first create a new project in the firebase console

then create a firebase.json and .firebaserc.js by typing:

firebase login # when ushing firebase the 1st time
firebase init # select newly created project
# 'firebase use' for existing firebase projects

Don't forget to also create a database for your project in the Firebase console.

# Create folder structure and configuration files

Next, create the following folder structure:

├── rules               - Used for database access rules
│   └── rules.bolt      - Default access rules
└── src
    └── models
        ├── config.js   - Models are assigned to DB paths here
        └── *           - Model definitions (Can be accessed through this.$models)

by running

helios init

Alternatively you can create these files manually:

mkdir -p rules
mkdir -p src/models
touch rules/rules.bolt
touch src/models/config.js

After you've successfully created these files and folders your directory structure should look like shown above.

Create src/models/index.js

This won't be necessary in future releases, but for now please also create a new file src/models/index.js:

import * as GenericStores from './config.js'
for ( let storeName in GenericStores ) {
  GenericStores[ storeName ].setName( storeName )
export default GenericStores;

# Add heliosRX to your main.js

Next in your src/main.js you can import rtdb as well as your model definitions and setup heliosRX:

// file: src/main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import heliosRX from 'heliosrx'
import { rtdb } from './firebase' // Import realtime database
import models from "@/models"

Vue.use(heliosRX, {
  models:  models,
  devMode: true,
  db:      rtdb,

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App),

# Configure Firebase Realtime Database

There is a few ways how you can configure firebase. One way to do it, is to get your Firebase configuration and put it in a new file in src/firebase.js that looks something like this:

// file: src/firebase.js

// Firebase App (the core Firebase SDK) is always required and must be listed first
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";

// Add the Firebase products that you want to use
import "firebase/auth";
import "firebase/database";

// TODO: Replace the following with your app's Firebase project configuration
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey:            "<YOUR API KEY>",
  authDomain:        "<YOUR AUTH DOMAIN>",
  databaseURL:       "<YOUR DATABASE URL>",
  projectId:         "<YOUR PROJECT ID>",
  storageBucket:     "<YOUR STORAGE BUCKET>",
  messagingSenderId: "<YOUR MESSAING SENDER ID>",
  appId:             "<YOUR APP ID>"

// Initialize Firebase

// Initialize Realtime DB
export const rtdb = firebase.database();

Please feel free to do this in a way that suits your needs best. The important thing here is that we need to import rtdb in our main.js, which is why we're exporting it here.