# HeliosRX setup

# Setup Frontend

heliosRX can be used as a Vue plugin:

import Vue from 'vue'
import heliosRX from 'heliosRX'

Vue.use(heliosRX, {

  // Object that contains all generic stores
  models: <Models>,

  // Realtime Database instance
  db: <Database>,

  // Disable / Enable development mode
  devMode: true / false,

  // User defined API
  userApi: <UserApi>,

  // useExistingStore
  useExistingStore: null | <VuexStore>,

# Generic stores (models)

  • models: Object { string: GenericStore }

Object that contains all generic stores

  task: new GenericStore(...),
  user: new GenericStore(...),

# Realtime Database instance (db)

  • db: Object { string: Database } | Database

Usualy the return value of firebase.database() Alternatively an object with multiple databases can be passed here:

  db1: firebase.database(),
  db2: firebase.database(app2),
  db3: firebase.database(app3),

See: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/usage/sharding

# Development mode (devMode)

  • devMode: true / false

Disable / Enable development mode In development mode $models, $api, $db is made available on the console, also helpful debug messages are printed to the console

# User defined API (userApi)

  • userApi: Object { string: Function }

An additional user API, that should be made available throught the helios interface (this.$api).

  auth_login() { ... },
  auth_logout() { ... },

# Use existing store (useExistingStore)

  • useExistingStore: null | new Vuex.Store

heliosRX can use an existing Vuex store for state management. If no existing store is provided, helios will create a new Vuex store. Having two stores is also usually not a problem, although not recommended according to the Vuex documentation. However, the only good reason I can come up with, why you shouldn't do that, is that the Vue Dev tools don't support multiple Vuex stores.

# Setup Backend (Node.js)

Work in Progress (06/02/2020)

This section is still a work in progress. It will be updated soon.

import Vue from 'vue'
import heliosRX from 'heliosRX'

let client_env = functions.config().client_env;
let firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey:             client_env.firebase_api_key,
  authDomain:         client_env.firebase_auth_domain,
  databaseURL:        client_env.firebase_database_url,
  projectId:          client_env.firebase_project_id,
  storageBucket:      client_env.firebase_storage_bucket,
  messagingSenderId:  client_env.firebase_messaging_sender_id


  // Should firebase admin sdk be initialized as a user or as admin?
  runAsUser: false | null | <String>,

  // FirebaseApp
  firebaseAdmin: rquire('firebase-admin'),

  // Configuration
  firebaseConfig: null | <object>,

  // Object that contains all generic stores
  models: <Models>,

  // Disable / Enable development mode
  devMode: true / false,

  // User defined API
  userApi: <UserApi>,

  // Object that contains all generic stores
  models: <Models>,

  // User defined API
  userApi: <UserApi>,

  // useExistingStore
  useExistingStore: null | <VuexStore>,
  • TODO: Bundle heliosRX + Vue/Vuex + your models as lib