Usage: helios [global options] command

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -d, --dry                  Perform a dry run (nothing is changed)
  -v, --verbose              Be verbose
  -j, --print-json           Print output as JSON, not pretty tables
  -P, --project [projectId]  Firebase project
  -h, --help                 output usage information

  rules|r [options]          Generate rules
  check|c [options]          Check schema for errors
  init|i                     Initialize helios config
  gen-model|m <name>         Generate a new model

# helios init

Work in Progress (06/02/2020)

This section is still a work in progress. It will be updated soon.

# helios check

Automatically checks all model definitions for errors

helios check --models <model-path>

You might want to add an aliases to your package.json

"scripts": {
  "rules:check": "helios check --models models/"

# helios rules

Autogenerates Security Rules for Firebase Realtime Databse (in the .bolt format):

helios rules --write <output-file>

Usualy the .bolt file is compiled to a json using the the bolt-compiler and then deployed:

helios rules --write database.rules.bolt
firebase-bolt database.rules.bolt
firebase deploy --only database

You might want to add a few aliases to your package.json

"scripts": {
  "rules:make":   "helios rules --write database.rules.bolt && firebase-bolt database.rules.bolt"
  "rules:deploy": "firebase deploy --only database",

# helios gen-model

Work in Progress (06/02/2020)

This section is still a work in progress. It will be updated soon.