# Enums

# UIDMethod

  • UIDMethod

Describes different methods for creating unique ids.


The UIDMethod defines by which method the * in the path is replaced.

export const UIDMethod = {
  CUSTOM:          1, // ( props ) => props[]
  SLUGID:          2, // R0qHTeS8TyWfV2_thfFn5w
  PUSHID:          3, // -JhLeOlGIEjaIOFHR0xd (default)
  TIMESTAMP:       4, // 1548573128294 (unix?)
  LOCAL_TIMESTAMP: 5, // 1553700866
  DATE:            6, // DDMMYYYY / 01032019
  MY_USER_ID:      8, // fOjaiwtyxoQdOGe6Z2zULK18ggv2
  ARRAY:           9, // 0,1,2,3,...
  EMAIL:          10, // test@test.de

The default unique Id method can be configured when a new Generic Store is defined:

Example 1:

// Use current server timestamp as main id (not a push id)
const post = new GenericStore(
  { uidMethod: UIDMethod.TIMESTAMP }

Example 2:

// Use my user id as main id
const settings = new GenericStore(
  { uidMethod: UIDMethod.MY_USER_ID }

// TODO: settings.update({ ... })

Example 3:

// Use a prop value as UID method, in this case an "additional prop"
const contact = new GenericStore(
    additionalProps: ['otherUserId'],
    uidMethod: (props) => props['otherUserId']

// This will create a new contact at /user/userA/contact/userA
contact.with({ myUserId: 'UserA', otherUserId: 'UserB' }).add({ ... })

# DeleteMode

  • DeleteMode

Describes the mode how data is deleted. In SOFT mode instead of deleting an entry from the database the field deleted is set to true. In HARD mode data will be deleted permanently (default).

export const DeleteMode = {
  SOFT: 0, // Sets `deleted` flat to true
  HARD: 1, // Deletes data permanently (default)

The default mode can be configured when a new Generic Store is defined.

const example = new GenericStore(
  { defaultDeleteMode: DeleteMode.HARD }

or when removing entries:

example.remove( '0123456789', DeleteMode.SOFT )